Thursday, March 4, 2010


I've spent the last two days just filling the hours until I'm tired enough to go back to sleep. I try to stop thinking and then something reminds me of it. I know this isn't something that should end as fast as it began.

We've made so many plans already, I don't want to watch them all die.
That doesn't feel right at all.

This all has to have happened for a reason.
It felt so big and fell into place so easily.
I don't want one weekend to change all of that.

I think we're worth a million chances. There's so much time. There's no rush for anything. No decisions need to be made. And we're so good for each other.

I haven't spoken to you today. I don't know what that means.

If things could change so quickly, and move so quickly as it was, who's to say they won't again? And we could end up even more amazing. There's room for optimism here. It's impossible to know with out trying, and I think we're worth trying. Worth waiting and seeing. I guess it all depends if you decide the same. I know you can't help how you feel either way, but..

I know I want this.
I know I want to spend the coming warm months with you.

I wait, I wait, I wait, I wait.

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