Monday, December 20, 2010


Reading things I just wrote this past summer, I feel so much older; like I wrote them ages ago. Is it possible I've grown up even more in just that time? That I can express myself so much more clearly and literately? That I complain less about menial things (or at least in a less annoying manner)? I don't feel so different, but I do know that in just the last 5 months I've learned even more what's important to me and where I'm headed; but can that affect how I mentally and verbally present myself? The writing progression would say so, but I never even feel like I really know what's going on with myself so I don't have the answer for any of these questions and never will. However if that is the case I'm not complaining. Here's to actually feeling your age, acknowledging maturity, knowing what you want out of life AND finally how to get there.

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