Sunday, April 4, 2010


+New friends/people interested, for whatever reason, in getting to know me
+Ashley telling me I looked tan
+Getting lost, for the second time in my life, trying to go home from Ocean City, NJ while I'm not driving and ending up in Toms River (this deserves an entry of its own, haha)
+Finally feeling the urge to read all the books I want to read
+The ability to let go completely, and just not give a fuck
+Drinking water
+Totally being able to predict the future in some weird, uncontrollable way
+Cut offs
+Icees with Melissa everyday
+Laughing so hard I can't breath
+Learning to love being independent again, and actually getting irritated when people constantly attach themselves to you when you'd rather wander alone.

-My car being a piece of shit
-My 2 best friends in the whole world barely speaking to me lately, when what I need more than anything in the world is a real hug from them
-Nights that are still too cold
-How much changes in just twenty-eight days
-No money evarrrr
-I want a bicycle more than anything

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