Monday, April 19, 2010


I don't want to hate anyone.
I just don't want to care anymore.

I'll always be somewhere in the background. In so many ways.
I just need to be needed, and right now I'm not.
So this is goodbye. Maybe until the future (whenever that may be), maybe until tomorrow, maybe forever.

I'm going on with my life in the only ways I know how.

Earlier Ashley was telling me how I've helped her. How my views and opinions and thoughts have altered her in the course of a year. How I've helped her realize she doesn't need anyone to be happy, that you have to stop waiting and wishing and move on and everything will come together eventually. I've always believed that. I've never needed anyone. And I'm so glad that the things I say actually have made a difference, even if just to her. Even if she's the only person in the world I've ever given good advice, at least I made some kind of small difference in someone's life.

I just wish I could take my own advice. I wish I could follow the words again that I've always believed.

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