Thursday, April 15, 2010

perfect timing

"but btw, i miss you a lot. i know we dont talk as much or any of that, theres no valid reason for it and i just was thinking today about how thats the case with almost everyone, not only you but most importantly you. i mean you're still one of my best friends, i just didn't think you knew that lately. i'd much rather be in a car with you going somewhere and actually having fun than around here in newark walking around or something."

I needed that. I needed to be reminded that my boys still love me. That I still mean something to people. That those memories are more than memories.
Andrew Benenati, little brother. Love you forever.

Sitting on the curb by myself waiting for a ride earlier and having Tyler walk by and having it feel like normal (me being found doing something weird and Tyler looking at me like I'm crazy but loving me for it) was so good. He gave me a hug and told me my legs were gonna get run over, and I sat there in the sun.

Feeling like I have my two best guy friends back, two of my best friends in the wholeee wide world, has me all smiles. It's insane how big of a hole was there in me when I noticed their absence the past few weeks.

The people I love make up so much of who I am.

This summer is going to be the best ever.
Oh and rumors of Kid Dynamite at this is hardcore? I'm not even thinking about it. I would legitimately cry.

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