Friday, May 21, 2010


I'm free.
Sleepovers with Tyler Mullen, Toby Foster/Eric Ayotte shows.
Leaving for days at a time, long walks and wandering around.

"Long distance phone calls and miles on transmissions and such. Ash-tray over flowing with a weeks worth of cigareette butts. All somehow seem to say hey, you shouldn't work so much. All seem to say everything is ok, try your best now to live in the moment. It's fleeting, I know it. But it's the only thing thats real, it's the only thing that anyone's got."

I can feel it coming back to life, that free feeling. The one I always said was the most important.

I miss Stacy Lynn Hornung more than I have ever missed any friend that I have ever said I miss. I've been so busy and surrounded by so much other love, that I don't feel her absence. But I know the minute we're together again a huge void will be felt and filled. There's nothing quite as important and Stace and Tes and our adventures. But we'll be back again one day.

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