Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Last night Chris invited me to a show on Madison, so I dragged Andrew with me and we went up. There wasn't many people there but the bands were SO good. Mouthbreather and Rat Healer. I seriously can't stop listening to Rat Healer and I think it's hilarious how much I love them. It was really nice getting to spend so much time with drewdrew one on one. I can't remember the last time we hung out just the two of us now that I think about it, it honestly might of been in the fall. I can't believe that much time went by. It's so reassuring though that that much time can go by, things can feel weird but the minute we get over it..we're still as close as ever. He's still my best friend and little brother and I trust him with every word that comes out of my mouth. It was a good night and I'm glad it's what happened.

However, driving up to Newark realizing I was excited to see someone caught me totally off guard. I don't want to have yet another silly crush that doesn't go anywhere. Especially when I don't know if these feelings are just me searching for something new or misplaced or...I don't know.

I'm going to Connecticut for the weekend with Chrystina, that's all that matters right now and all I'm going to think about.

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