Friday, February 12, 2010

Cut Short/Damages Winter Tour '09/'010 (part 1)

I was listening to Foundation earlier today, and it made me ridiculously nostalgic about tour. So I finally have the inspiration to write all about it. I want to before it gets too distant anyways.

Day 1/Start of tour- Virginia Beach, Virginia
Woke up around 8 am. Stacy picked me up so we could say goodbye since I needed a ride to Newark. I have $17 for 2 and a half weeks of tour. Met up at Bill's with him and Garrett. Saw the van for the first time. "It's like a limo in here." Made Garrett mad when I told him I was going to start calling him Gary. Met up with Tyler, Drew, and Damages (or Michigan boys as I'll lovingly refer to them). Minutes together, and hilarity has already ensued. "THERE'S BLOOD ON MIKE'S DICK." "Jimmy has cancer and you're worried about ______?" We leave for Virginia Beach. Tyler's in a bad mood because he doesn't want to go. I'm more happy to be where I'm at that I've ever been before. Pass "Dixieland" on the VA/MD border, "The South starts here." Tyler gets in a better mood, Drew keeps throwing shrimp ramen at him. I take over driving, Drew riding shot gun. Lemuria- Pants. Drive over the prettiest bridge, it's 12 miles long.

Lots of dead birds though :\ There's 2 tunnels, Garrett holds his breathe the entire time. Get to the show, make all the boys pb&j, it's at a fire hall. Kids are so violent. Cecily texts me about a falling dream she had where she actually hit the ground. We looked it up later. It means you're insane. Sell A LOT of merch. Someone outside had vegan cookies, both Tyler and Drew come running inside with one for me at separate times. I love my boys so much. Sonic after the show, Drew gets drunk. Leave for North Carolina, ride shot gun with Garrett to keep him company, listen to Sunny Day Real Estate.

Day 2/Off day- Bonn, North Carolina
We wake up mid-afternoon, and lay around the house all day. Avoid Methcat (Tyler's loving nickname for it)

and love Great Dane. Drew and me both continuously fall asleep through out the afternoon.Sleepy kids. Trip to Food Lion/Wal Mart at various times. Come home to drunk Drew underneath my blanket. (He stole my blanket constantly) Hummus and Pita Chips, lay around the rest of the night. Fall asleep early cause drifting in and out is the theme of the day. Wake up to a text at 4 am, Drew's awake. He's hungry. Mission: Make mashed potatoes and wake no one up. We get into the kitchen. Success. He tells me about how he tried to get on the internet and went to the most insane lengths. "so I went through their mail.." We go back to the living room and watch Family Guy, Bill wakes up and tells us its too loud (it wasn't) so we watch TV with subtitles until we fall back asleep.

Day 3- Columbia, South Carolina
Wake up early to shower. Leave for South Carolina. Sheetz, any coffee is 97 cents. Tyler sets off the loudest vending machine alarm ever at a rest stop, all for a bag of Bugles. Black Sabbath. Stop at South of the Border, it's better at night. Buy fireworks. Get to the venue early, wonder around the burger king parking lot for awhile watching Tyler skate. I found a horse shoe on the ground. Load in to the show. Coldest night ever, I brought my blanket into the venue. Foundation and The Effort rule and it's fun getting to see bands I actually like. Sell a lot of merch again. I'm happy, I never want to come home. Some kid says we can stay at his house, so we do. After a bad drive and some big mouths, I end up ridiculously angry. We go to Wal Mart and I attach myself to Tyler like a puppy because I don't want to be around anyone else. Drew dumpsters like 8 boxes of pizza. We light off fireworks in a banana. We get to the kid's house and start a party.

Drew is wasted, he says silly things he shouldn't to me. Bill drinks one beer, he's wasted. I sit around watching the commotion. Mike asks if we can be friends, hahaha. Drew shot guns like 10 beers and shows me how he can smash them with his head. We draw on Drew's face when he passes out, it was hilarious/sad.

I end up with a really comfy spot like always, the boys are good to me. Went to sleep at like 4 am and get woken up at 8, sometimes my boys aren't good to me.

To beeeee continued..

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