Monday, November 22, 2010


I'm moving in just a few days.

And this mindset is all wrong and I'm scared of being there and not falling back in love with my own life.
But I think of home, and moving to Philly doesn't feel right either. At least not right now, not anymore.

I have just as much to gain and lose in both scenarios. So I suppose it's better to try out the one I haven't before and see how it goes.

There's also a state two more lengths away that has been on my mind too. I know my reasons for going right now would be wrong, but it's a nice back up plan. I can never understand the words "it must be nice to be able to just up and leave" because really, if you want to, nothing should be capable of holding you back. Never ever let yourself stay anywhere you don't want to be. There is always something better. And that's what I'm searching for. I just have to not let myself back out too soon or lose hope if it doesn't play out exactly the way I see it in my head.

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