Wednesday, September 22, 2010


I think one of the most comforting things in the world is talking to a friend who has known you since you were 11 years old. A friend you've had for 9 years. A friend that's absolutely nothing like you, and hasn't been for quite some time. A friend that you talk to maybe once every three months now, and even then it's rarely more than a simple checking in. But it never changes. You still feel like you know the other just as well as you always have. And despite all your differences in opinions, choices, lifestyles and interests, for some strange reason there's still something there that clicks between the two of you. Some unexplained connection that allows two people that are as close to polar opposite you can get to understand one another and never lose that ability and bond.

From jumping on your trampoline and looking for ufos at 11 years old, to summers after 8th grade sitting in the car that would one day be yours late at night listening to some top 40 radio station, to naps on your couch after school and to too many nights laying on your kitchen floor talking as the sun rose sophomore year, to suprise visits for my 16th birthday, to rides to the airport and getting drunk together for the first time at 18, to 20 year olds sending text messages always remembering each others birthday every year.. it's easy to see some things are forever.

As completely detached as I feel from most of my past, these are quite possibly my fondest memories from those years. 15 years old and spending every moment with you. Sitting on your kitchen counters, eating ramen. Playing jepoardy with your family and feeling at home. There's some nights I would give anything to go back.

In May of 2006 I wrote you a letter. I was scared you were going to be mad I was considering leaving you alone. I told you about my choices. You told me to go. To move to the east coast. You told me you loved me and you'd miss me but that it was where I needed to be. You are one of the biggest reasons I've lived the life I have the past 4+ years now. I don't think I ever thanked you. So.. thank you, Kellie. Thank you for letting me go see what it actually meant to be alive.

"Old friend, hold on."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have a friend like that. Only, the past year we've gone from friends to sisters basically. It's so comforting to actually have someone who you can be comfortable with.