Saturday, June 4, 2011

oh you

This wasn't supposed to be how I felt here. I'm wasting the days waiting for you, because I know my happiness will reflect in your blue eyes once you're in front of me. But I don't want to rest things turning around on the dependability of someone else no matter how much better they make me feel. Yet every day you're not here is one more day it gets harder and harder. I didn't expect it to get harder, I didn't expect to feel as bad as I did months ago. I wasn't happy where I was and I'm not happy where I went, and I'm beginning to think the good moments are just and far between the majority of my life being the opposite.

I have one more try, one more attempt to find what I'm searching for. As soon as your here and you take my hand and take me somewhere I've never been before, far away from anything I could call home.

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