Wednesday, June 15, 2011

loosing teeth

The minute I stepped off the bus at a rest stop in Virginia and felt the South, I didn't feel better but I felt right. Who knew I'd be this much more content being back at my house. I'll be leaving again soon but I think I'll be more prepared and better off this time because while Philly made me realize I've lost a lot, it also reminded me of how much I love all that I've gained this year despite the constant struggle with finding my place within it all.

But it's a great feeling to open the door to my house and get a response I don't even get from friends back home. "HOLY SHIT YOU'RE HERE WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE I MISSED YOU SO MUCH" and the biggest hug in the world, followed by more hugs and kisses and "I really missed you"'s. I have a best friend I didn't even know 6 months ago. A boy that I was looking for for a long time who I'll see in just a few more days. Receive phone calls from people in my favorite bands asking me to set up their shows and call them back just to talk. I don't know how anything will turn out, or where anything is going but thank g-d I came back here. I wasn't sure I was ever going to see the positive ever again.

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