Tuesday, March 19, 2013

I just tried to abbreviate our first street name and it came out to be S.A.D. At least that made me laugh.

How is it, everyone I talk to about going through this, they tell me how great of a friend I am.
How they think I'm devoted. I'm "the best". I'm a "good thing".
Yet the one fucking person I actually give the most to, is the only person I can't give enough to for them to appreciate the same things anyone else I love does.

I know what the solution is and it's the same advice every one I've spoken to has given me.
Yet I don't even know if I'm strong enough to go through it.
Regardless of how wrong or right I feel about it, how do I find it in me to push the person closest to me the furthest away?

My whole body shaking involuntarily and barely being audible when I answer your phone call.
I'm not sure about anything anymore, let alone you.

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