Sunday, October 24, 2010


Of course just a few hours later, things take a drastic turn. Melissa and Brett drove back to Philly, and picked me up around 8:30 we basically loitered outside the show at the Dollhouse and went to the show a few blocks East that Dennis put on. We had to leave before Menzingers but saw The Measure [SA] and a few of Glocca Morra's set and it was still nice to be out, laughing with my best friends (and realizing for the millionth time how embarrassing we are/why we only hang out with each other; "B-I-N-G-O") and not feeling awkward, standing around different sweaty houses (and lovin' that familiar crust smell). I like my city, I'll be okay. I also feel like I live here again already, it's funny to go home to an empty house and cook for myself and go sit on my bed and eat it. Although I was basically terrified the entire time I was alone, which proves my theory that I couldn't live alone even when I think about it or if I really wanted to; unless I had 8 or more locks on my door, and no windows.

I'm going to get coffee with Stace later, then tomorrow I'm going to talk to Liz about moving in their place/checking it out, applying at the school district and going down to Delaware to start preparing to leave Tuesday. I CAN'T BELIEVE FEST IS FINALLY HERE.

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