Friday, October 8, 2010


I can always feel when one is coming and one is going.
When one is ending and one is starting over.

It's always the two of you and it'll always be the two of you.
I don't really have the say in the matter, so it's hard to say how I feel.
It wasn't that long ago that I realized the pattern, and I just don't think it's something anyone can help.

Also, this is what my life has become.

I received a really nice letter and mix cd in the mail from Dakota yesterday.
I've written him back probably the longest letter I've ever written anyone.

I fly home in about two weeks, the place that is. Because once again I am "homeless" (in the idea that home is a house) and couch crashing. But if that's what it takes to feel free, then I'll choose it forever.
I'm selling my car after Fest, then once I have that money I'll decide where to go. I'm choosing wherever is easiest (being stress free) and falls into place. Because if my live has proven or taught me anything it is ALWAYS to choose that option. Because it will always happen. "Everything will always falling right into place."

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