Saturday, July 24, 2010


There honestly isn't many words to say lately. I truly think this is because words just don't do any of these days and memories justice. I'm really excited about my life.... just, in general. Everything is always so good.

Thursday Lizzy, Ashley, Melissa and I went to Baltimore to see P.S. Eliot. We went to the show, met Kevin from California and got really, really good vegan pizza at Fell's Point (which is the cutest part of Baltimore I have seen yet). Oh and I got to play pacman!!!

We spent the night at Ashley's in NJ and went to Brooklyn the next morning to look at apartments for Lizzy since she moves in about 2 weeks. The entire day was absolutly perfect. Stupid inside jokes, incessant talking, thrift stores, "drug cat", cat shoes, swampy, saying and thinking things that happen a few minutes later, playing in the street running through fire hydrants (real life Hey Arnold!), chinese food, yelling at Chrystina out the window, perfect weather, free books, record stores, Coney Island trips, really, really good vegan food at Foodswings and amazing roof top views. Like I said, words can't even do it justice anymore.

My life rules.

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