Sunday, January 24, 2010


You are the only friend I know and have ever known who loves me so unconditionally. I haven't felt like myself since we got home and all I need right now is a hug from my best friend. You can frustrate the hell out of me sometimes when I try to figure out why you do some of the things you do, but when it comes down to it you care about myself and my well being more than I do.

Tyler 11:44pm
i love you you should know that

It's a mutual feeling that's always there. Always has been and always will be. It's been a long time now, and it's no mistake that you're now one of the ones to stick around the longest. Most days it doesn't feel necessary to say because it's more than known or felt. But sometimes it's still nice to hear, sometimes even needed. Especially on nights where your timing couldn't have been better.

Thank you Tyler.

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