Wednesday, January 13, 2010


There’s this feeling that hits me some late nights/early mornings. It comes out of nowhere and it’s typically when I’m feeling a little lost, laying in the dark and listening to the same old "winter kind of bands". It’s so over whelming and so much emotion that I don’t really know what to do with myself. Now is one of those times. I feel nostalgia, longing, sadness, and almost an urgency all at once. But there is no actual reason to pin any sort of feelings to. It is one of the most intense things I've experienced (and on so many nights just like this one) and I can’t even begin to know how to handle it. It makes me want to get in my car and drive as far as I can get with what little money I have. Then once I get there, jump out and keep running in the same direction and get as far as I possibly can from anyone or anything I know to be familiar. One night I think I might, because no other solution seems right. I just wish there was someone who'd drop everything to come with me. Someone else who realizes nothing is ever really too important.

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