Sunday, December 6, 2009


Today I bought Rogue States by Noam Chomsky, a book written kind of zine formatted, it's untitled and anonymous, and Choke by Chuck Palanuik for $5 because I've yet to read anything by him. I also picked up a some little free anarchist newspaper at the Wooden Shoe, and Stacy's letting me borrow Franny and Zooey by JD Salinger. I found Slaughterhouse Five (by Kurt Vonnegut) again finally because I missplaced it, so I can start over with that too.

If my mission of making California fun/enjoyable for once fails, at least I can take to sitting outside in the semi-decent (aka above 50 and not too cold to stand) weather and read until I come home.

I also needed some sort of smaller convenient duffle bag to take on tour, and I found one for 90 cents in a little thrift store in West Philly tonight. It says Jimbo on it. I guess today wasn't bad.

There is so much more to say, but I can't say anything because I'm stuck in this little bad mood and can't get out, no matter how much I want to. Why don't I have control over that? I also can't sleep, but that's nothing new.

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