Monday, December 21, 2009

March 2009

March is always a really good month for me.
Road trip after road trip after road trip, with Garrett every weekend.
Helped Tyler move and pack and searched all over Newark for boxes all week. Snow storm, missed a show in Doylestown and worried about the boys all night. Slept over at Stacy's and she tried to kill us driving to Wal-Mart in it, colored and played guitar hero.

Pouted when she wouldn't go outside and play with me, tried to convince Andrew and Tom to come over but Tom was driving to Middletown drunk. Had a sleepover with Amy and Melissa for Amy's birthday, went to taco bell, almost cried driving up there in the left over snow, and watched Mean Girls. Went to the mall and had taking back sunday singalongs the next day, out to nice lunch at Applebee's with just mfd. Saw Title Fight and Fireworks in Baltimore at ccas with Tyler, Andrew, and Garrett. I remember feeling like there's no other 3 boys I'd ever rather be anywhere with. I found a piece of myself at that show that I had been missing when I actually got into the crowd. A bunch of cars on the street got their windows hit out by a baseball bat. People suck, Baltimore is scary. After we got home we went to get coffee on main st and got into one of the most awkward situations, that was actually pretty hilarious. "THAT'S MY GRANDMA!" Saw Paint It Black and Propaghandi the next night in Baltimore with Joey. Cut Short played UD, so much drama that night. I went to Tyler's before the show to hang out, he made me tea and we stood in his kitchen talking. I think then is when I realized that that friendship is forever. Went to the show, I loved shows like that when EVERYONE is there, then everyone went to eagle diner. I remember somehow getting to Middletown in 18 minutes that night, meeting up with Melissa and Andrew, and eating Apple Jacks and watching youtube videos until like 4 am. That was one of the best nights of the year for me.

I saw Watchmen with Garrett, and went to Wilkes-Barre, PA with him the next night for Title Fight, Balance and Composure, and Tigers Jaw. "I can't tell you how happy it makes me to finally have a friend like Garrett who'll drive ridiculously far distances to see bands we were/are completely likely to see again, just BECAUSE. I've needed someone like that for awhile." Saw Defeater in Philly with him and Bill for free, and bought a hot chocolate from a really mean man. Went to The Outlander's show and hung out with Lauren and surprised everyone with my hair.

That easily defines more of March than anything else, and is a major highlight of my year. Went with Garrett and Brian, left early Friday morning to head to Richmond, Virginia, checked into our ridiculously nice hotel, and went to day 1. Saw Mother of Mercy, Foundation, Title Fight, and a million other bands and got kicked in the face too many times. Hung out with Max, Joey, Ben, and Josh too all weekend. Got offered a free hookah at dinner, funny since everyone there was straight edge. Saturday/Day 2 I stood in one spot on the balcony for 10 hours because I wasn't trying to get kicked in the face 43098 times again. I couldn't open my mouth after getting kicked in the jaw during TF. Saw Forfeit, watched the bottom floor get mopped for 2 hours after the pipes burst

and mainly avoided Colin from COA's stare all day and waited patiently for the headlining bands later that night. Screamed my heart out to Ceremony and Blacklisted, and was literally shaking and speechless after Converge. Couldn't feel my legs after literally standing in the same spot all day. Left for home. Started hating Brian. Freaked out driving through DC cause I thought it was so cool and both the boys were asleep. Got home at like 6 am, realized the whole weekend only cost me like $30, and woke up and picked up Garrett and Tyler and went to Philly to see Converge again. So amazing, sososo amazing. I remember waking up the next morning already nostalgic, something changed in me that weekend and I haven't been the same since. I can't wait til this years.

I also dyed my hair dark this month right before UBF!

edit: this also happened in march


mfd said...

thank you for posting these to remind me that 2009 wasn't as bad as I thought it was.

Tesla said...

Haha, well I'm glad to I guess. I have trouble remembering things as well now and I wanted to remind myself of everything that's happened this year. I plan on finishing the rest of the year when I get home.