Friday, December 18, 2009

2009- January

Welcomed in new years, with the best new years I've ever had. It's so strange to think I'm not 'friends' with any of those people anymore. Not to say it's anyones fault or bad, things just change, people grow apart. The party I met up with Alex at, Keith breaking Veronica's nose, leaving with Joanna and ending up at Harvey's with a million people. Huge dance party and everyone singing Kanye, random delicious drinks/orange soda 4 me. Poz got wine all over the wall, and Amy was my new years kiss.

Cut Short, every weekend. The legendary (at least to us) jersey trip/show at AJ's. Tyler was in the air more than on the ground the entire night. Everyone was so happy, I got pulled into a circle pit and sprained my ankle. I sat outside freezing my feet off so Eddie bought me a coffee. Totally earned my place as merch girl. The sonic afterwards, Eagle diner back at home. This:

I finally bought an ipod, and left to go on a spontaneous trip to Arizona to visit Cecily and Kellie for a week or so. Cecily kicked me out, and I went to a party and actually had fun, and went with Brian and hung out at this tattoo shop in Bullhead all dayy. I spent 12 hours in the Vegas airport at one point and this indian boy tried to get me to come stay at his house for the night.

Saw City & Colour with Tyler, Zoe, and Amy in Philly and froze to death. OH YEAH, and this was during the time when my heater was 'broken' in my car so driving places was hell. I went to Just Surrender and Houston Calls at the grange (haha) cause Brodie was on tour with them and got me in for free to hang. Cut Short played in Doylestown and I drove in the snow with Tyler and Andrew. Tom and Jeremy followed us up, we all got lost, and Tom was my hero for fixing my windshield wipers. I almost died on the way home because the fog was so thick. Stacy and me baked and decorated gingerbread cookies while she was still home for Christmas break and played guitar hero for hours and hours and hours.

Melissa and me drove to Harve de Grace for no reason, and saw a really cool asian restaurant on the way home that we never did try. I'm pretty sure this was a time in my life where frequent late night hangs at Andrew F's occured with him and mfd. Went to Doylestown for Title Fight and Balance and Composure with Garrett and Tyler, oh the times when no one knew them. Paulson played the grange and it was a dance party as usual. I miss that. I remember after that show I came home and ended up going back out around 1 am with Andrew F and Melissa and driving around Middletown. I remember loving just getting home and getting a call to come get in the car.

The last weekend in January, I think could be considered the night Stacy became my best friend again. I went up to Philly for the Punk Rock Flea Market. Stace and me went to try and get my tattoo and it didn't happen but we sat in Starbucks on South St forever just talking and laughed so hard- to quote my blog from that weekend "talking and laughing harder than I've laughed in awhile" This never fails to come out of my mouth after hanging out with her. I love my best friend so much. 3 and a half years, and we just keep getting closer. We baked peanut butter and jelly cookies and watched Step Brothers. That night meant a lot to me, we laid in bed at 3 am listening to Bon Iver and talking about summer and naps on the beach.

The next morning was February.

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