Sunday, January 16, 2011


Got way too drunk last night, I even threw up in my room; I don't think I've thrown up since high school. I sort of hate when I get super drunk and know everyone else isn't nearly as drunk as I am (especially since when you're drunk-everyone else is drunk too), everyone was super friendly when they left though so I GUESS I didn't do/say/act any embarrassing/annoying way. I think my favorite part of the night might have even been when Eva was leaving and they came up to me to say bye, asked to give me a hug and said "Maybe we can actually talk sometime soon!"

The party started out small, but by 11-midnight there was 20-25 people in our small wood-pannelled living room, sitting on our new sofa and chair, admiring our two new lamps that fit said walls all too well.
I had a really good time, and even when I was awkwardly sitting alone it was fun just observing.

Everyone seems so nice and, even though I called my best friend crying and left a message saying who knows what and got up at least 5 times through out the night to fuck with the circuit breaker since the heater in my room kept turning off, last night turned out really fun and I wouldn't complain if these people became the every day figures and friends in my life.

"with every drink of beer, with every tear, i swear to be sincere"

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