Friday, June 4, 2010

Day 3

For the past 3 years, these have been the people in my life. They are a huge piece of me, but I can't help but feel that this doesn't feel right anymore. I will always love and appreciate the memories and love these kids to death. But twice in the past 48 hours one of you has hurt my feelings enough to cry. I sit around listening to such meaningless conversation followed my hurtful words and although I want to have fun and hang out and keep the people that have always been in my life around..I feel so detached.

It's time for something new.

1 comment:

brettwilliamson said...

Stay positive & have the best time you can. You'll be home soon... and we have a million adventures to plan this summer. Soon you'll be in Chicago with some of your favorite people & then we'll all be together in Berea, singing/dancing together to some of our favorite bands. I love you a bunch! :*