Tuesday, June 29, 2010


I've spent the last two days with my best friend, I need to remember that even when things aren't normal..they always become normal again. We went to the beach and swam and swam and swam and I'm burnt but it's fine. I'm pretty sure I haven't been this tan in years. Yesterday we went to the bookstore and ran errands for things she needs before moving into her apartment on Thursday. Then we picked up Melissa and Brett and drove to Philly just to sit at the fountain for an hour or two. Justin met up with us and it was a nice night I suppose.

The last few weeks I've taken to hiding in my room and trying not to spend too much money and wait out the down time until things get really, really good again.

Things are about to get REALLY, REALLY good again.
I'm so excited I feel like my heart is going to burst right out of my chest.
And it just keeps getting better.

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