Sunday, April 10, 2011

just do it

Ironically (and annoying) I'm back here because right after my previous post I lost my new journal. I plan on getting a new one as soon as possible and replicating the old. There's always so many things I want to write down and I need to be able to write them in that moment so they're real and don't slip away. (I also need to stop having any possesions on me while drunk because things just keep disappearing).

Lately nights are so fun, mornings are a bit quiet and awkward- but a little less every time. And even so, I'm used to this awkward, I've learned to live and function with this awkward, maybe even learned to be happy with this awkward. Yesterday I walked to work and couldn't stop smiling. It's a really great feeling to be in love with your life..and I'm so in love with my life, and a little more so every day.

I've been living in these shorts and every so often Claire says "Tesla you've gotten so tan". Today I woke up and didn't put make up on and cut the sleeves off a cardigan and it feels even more like summer, and subsiquently I feel even more like myself than I thought I could again.

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