Monday, November 16, 2009


I don't mean to brag..but I find myself talking about how amazing my life is a lot. And I’m not bragging, it’s just because it completely astonishes me how lucky I am and I don’t know if I’ll ever get over it.

I’ve quit college twice now, and it’s proving to be the best choice I’ve made yet. I don’t always have a plan and I get a little lost sometimes but I’m getting to do things that I never would be able to if I was working full-time or going to school still. Yeah I’m constantly broke and spending a lot of time on friend’s couches, but what’s it matter? If I’m happy, that’s all that I can see as important. I quit school and got to go on a road trip to Florida/The Fest. I came home and went to Vermont with a best friend and had one of the most important nights of my life. I could very well be going to Chicago this weekend and spending a week in Michigan. Then I’ll be going out to California, then on tour. I’m supposed to get an apartment after tour, but I’m thinking traveling the rest of the year into next summer sounds a little better. So many places to visit, if I work a week or two in between the trips I have enough for gas and to get by and that’s all I really need.

I am so lucky. This won’t last forever, but it sounds perfect for now. I’ll figure out forever when it gets here, if I make it there.

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