Monday, April 20, 2009

this is for the hearts still beating

I had a few shitty days where I was losing my mind, but things have turned around a bit. Saturday night was good, I wasn't in that great of a mood and was pretty indecisive about if I wanted to do anything at all, but I pushed myself into it. And things usually turn out better than expected when I do that. Garrett was randomly into the idea of a Philly trip, so we went. We ate dinner at Gianna's, which IS better than GOvinda's but I love them both. We mostly just walked around most of the night, and also came upon some loud techno music and followed it, and found a tiny alley with a random rave dance party going on. After we left and I took him home I met up with a bunch of my favorite faces on Main street. Then I picked up a really drunk Melissa and drove around with her for like 20 minutes because she "really, really missed me" hahah. It was an eventful night, and anytime I'm just walking around the city I'm completely content.

My better moods being back might have something to do with the idea of June 11th-21st. I am going to be one happy person. Going on tour with Cut Short. Finally. Then I've also figured out how to have enough money for Sound and Fury and my cross country road trip with Garrett. Both of my dreams are coming true this summer, in the matter of only a few months. Things are coming together.

My sister is back to finish out the school year and I'm going to take her to see the Hannah Montana movie tonight.

"I need a purpose and I need a reason. I need to know that there is trophy, and meaning."

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