Thursday, January 1, 2009

"la, la, la la. Wait til I get my money right.."

I've never believed in resolutions before, or really ever thought about them, but this year after tonight..where I call it a resolution or not I'm going to try with everything in me to be much less pessimistic. It's not that I try to think the way I do, it's just always how I've been and it's never really bothered me much but I really think I'd be a happier person if I had a more positive outlook and tonight proved that to me. I can't even count the amount of time I've almost (luckily, i usually end up forcing myself into thing even if my gut is trying to bring me now) missed out on amazing memories because I let my negative thoughts get the best of me.

I've always disliked new years, as far back as i can remember. From when I was little and my parent's would throw keggers and I'd have to fend to take care of myself to the last few years where things just didn't go right. So when I was feeling like none of my plans this year weren't going to be that wonderful, I didn't really think anything of it. Still, I sat around most of the day upset that this year seemed to join in with all the rest, going back and fowarth in my mind whether it was even worth it to go out at all. Knowing I'd regret not knowing what my night could of been, I decided to go out and at least give having fun a shot. AND I'M SO GLAD I DID.

I left my house around 9:30 and drove up to wilmington. Alex invited me to his friend's party and even though I'd only know a few people there I thought I might as well stop by and say hi to him on new years since he was the only person to really seem like he wanted to hang out with me. Everyone there was already drunk so I just kind of stood around watching drunk people for a while. Joanna was there for we just kind of kept to ourselves and talked since she was the only other sober person there, haha. Some kid broke Veronica's nose and I learned what a "Stirke Out" is. Around 11 I said my goodbyes and Joanna decided to leave with me because I told her I'd give her a ride home.

On the ride over to Harvey's I invited her along so we headed down to Newark. I wasn't really expecting to have fun there at all but I was sticking to my plan on giving it a I really didn't want to be just driving alone at midnight. We got to Harvey and Poz's apartment and I knew instantly when I got there it was gonna be a good time. I only knew like half the people there but the next 2 hours were spent drinking some orange stuff that was absolutely delicious, dancing to whatever song was on, huge group singalongs to kanye west and MIA, hugs, kisses, new BLOSSOMING friendships, as well as old ones coming back and so much laughter. We left close to 2 and melissa drove back to middletown with me while everyone else went in Andrew's car. I tend to forget how much some of the people in my life make me so happy, I also tend to forget that I never have a bad time with these people and I wouldn't have wanted to spend my new years eve with anyone else.

This was the best new years I've ever had, I'm so happy.

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