Friday, May 8, 2009

Now everything's imaginary, especially what you love.

So much has gone. But sometimes so little. While I'm out and about I have thoughts that I want to write (or type, I suppose) but whenever I actually have the time, I lose the urge.

I've been feeling so lost and so found at the same time lately. I'm not sure what to make of it yet, but I'm feeling like the answers aren't too far away. One thing I am sure of though, is for the first time I truely decided to take someones advice, and I did, and it worked. I had become so dependent on others for my happiness. That needed to stop, and it did. I've detached myself enough to the point where I can get to know myself again, where I can stand my own company and not think of myself by the company I keep but by who I am when it's just that..just me. The trick now is finding the balance between distancing myself from the dependency I created but with out pushing the people I became dependent on away, because I still want them around..I just don't want to NEED them around to function properly.

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